Facts about UV in the Woodworking Industry
UV in the Woodworking Industry Top Facts: UV System Manufacturers whose systems are typically used in the woodworking sector include Cefla and Giardina Average length of a lamp is 52” or 1341mm Typically, you will find between 3-7 lamp heads in a system. Of those, 2 or 3 may sometimes be Gallium doped End products…
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How does a UV Lamp work?
What Is A UV Lamp And How Does It Work? A UV lamp is a lamp specifically designed to emit light at the Ultraviolet Wavelength. The lamp is created using a quartz body and contains a small amount of mercury, either in a free state within the tube or imbedded within the lamp’s surface. There…
Issues curing? Send your lamp to us for a free expert check-up!
Trouble Curing with your Existing UV Lamps? Looking for Answers to your UV curing issues? End turning black or shiny? Lamps looking cloudy? Not getting 1000 hours out of your lamps? Quartz distorted by warping/bowing? Buildup forming on exterior of lamp? Many environmental factors can affect the way a UV lamp cures. If you have…